Thursday, 23 April 2015

Charlie Hebdo Shooting

Regional Identity (Made In Chelsea)

This article clearly makes light of the MIC cast claiming they are the classic white, young and rich people we often associate Chelsea with. The author of said article goes further to say that they are incredibly materialistic and far from intelligent. Using stills from the show, the author describes the majority of the vas's expression as 'vacant' or 'staring into space' this supports the stereotype that people from Chelsea are incredibly wealthy and privileged in that they don't need to do anything for themselves, and as such are not very intelligent.

Age (Young)

The article title speaks for itself really, clearly the younger generation actually live up to their stereotyping of being criminals. This is only a stereotype but the majority of stereotypes have a basis of truth to stem from. This article shows that many members of the younger generation actually conform to this stereotype. this is not concentrated in one area either, this is widespread and explains why people hold this negative representation of the younger generation

National Identity (Irish)

This short clip, takes down the majority of Irish stereotypes. This includes the idea that all the Irish eat is Haggis and all they'll drink is Guiness, and for breakfast they'll obviously be having a bowl of Lucky Charms. The irish are not particularly violent as some stereotypes would argue and they don't necessarily where aran jumpers or use the 'gift of the gab' They are certainly not potato peeling, guiness gulping, harp playing leprechauns called Paddy.

The TV show Mrs Brown's Boys conforms heavily to the irish stereotypes.