Thursday, 9 October 2014

Kerrang magazine analysis

The masthead of this magazine is Kerrang, this is fairly recognisable and I would also say it is unique to Kerrang magazine, this is at the top of the magazine and so is probably what would get read first. Therefore Kerrang have done a good job by making it their own, this means it is recognisable as their branding and so people will look out for this masthead.

The main image is of a Kurt Cobain, who looks very plain, the only major part of him we can see is his face and the cigarette, he looks pretty relaxed and content and this ties in with with the main cover line, 'Hugs Not Drugs' This particular cover line is in white and is fairly bold and large, this draws attention to the magazine and Kurt's face. Following reading this, we would see the secondary cover line saying 'Kurt gets happy! Exclusive!' This is an enigma code and makes the audience want to read more about this Kurt Cobain exclusive. 

The other cover lines surround the image making the most out of the space provided, not much information is given with these cover lines and so they add to the enigma code that the front cover presents. The cover lines are small but are varying colours which make them stand out against the background, this draws our attention to them, and the two at the bottom of the page that would be read last also feature a photo and a little more information, showing these are probably the second most important stories in the magazine.

The audience for this magazine are 16-25 year olds, falling under the D/E category of the socio-economic model, who obviously like rock music, either male or female would buy this magazine but I believe it is aimed more at males. The cover lines are mainly band names and stories about that band, all of the bands featured are rock bands and so this ties in well with the audience. The representation of this magazine is actually fairly positive with the main cover line being about hugs instead of drugs, although rock is seen as fairly negative,  being all about drugs and sex, this magazine cover has tried to change that perspective.

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