Saturday, 25 October 2014

The Neighbourhood Video Analysis

The start of the music video is of a blank screen with the letters THE NBHD, clearly meaning The Neighbourhood, this fades out and we are presented with the band sat in their house, before the title of the song is shown on screen there are various cuts that all happen at the same time as the drum beats. The first shot is that of the sky and palm trees whilst the car moves, this quickly cuts back to the original shot, cuts again to a vinyl record, back to the original shot and then to a close-up of a girl's face, not particularly in focus, this again cuts back to the original image, cuts to a shot of the band silhouetted against a city skyline, these simple and quick cuts create an enigma code, we gain more interest in the video and want to know what all these shots mean.

When the title of the song appears, we are given a shot of the band in a car, this is probably the longest shot of the video so far, this allows us to see who the band is and is also a shot that the video comes back to. the basic premise of the music video is that the band are traveling through the city, aiming to have a good time, it follows them however both at night and during the day, suggesting, their lives are pretty much a cycle and that everything do is a repeat of something they've done before. There is also a lot of shots of a particular women, whenever she is seen the lighting is very low-key, adding a sense of mystery to the women, perhaps a hint at why Jesse Rutherford is interested in this girl. Another interesting point is that the whole video is shot in black and white, which adds quite a gloomy feel to the whole thing, which makes sense as the song is about it being incredibly cold outside, this could also be why the every time the girl is seen, she is seen indoors.

We are also presented with The Neighbourhood's logo an upside down house, we first see it the right way round but then the whole shot is flipped upside down, probably a statement from the band meaning that they are going to reinvent the music industry or perhaps it is simply the band claiming that since their success their world has been turned upside down and they don't know what to make of it. The camera slowly zooms into the house as we see various shots similar to the ones seen before but of course instead being upside down, once the house takes up the majority of the frame, a quick cut and the video now cuts between upside down and normality causing even more of an enigma code, I interpreted this as it meaning the band really don't care, they're hear to have fun and make music if you can get down with this, you'll enjoy The Neighbourhood. At the end of the music video, we are presented with the opening shot of the band sat down in their house, as we zoom towards them, the screen fades to a white background with the logo present once more, this then fades to black as the video ends. This is simply the band making the best use of the end of the song which is simply instrumental, nothing needs to be seen here, show the logo, make a statement, be remembered, The Neighbourhood have got this covered.

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